九州体育bet9平台入口设施使用程序 - 九州体育平台入口-九州体育平台入口


的 type of 事件 determines the procedure for authorizing use of District’s facility. 使用地区设施的当局由 董事会政策和行政程序.




设施使用办公室: 909-384‐8906


设施使用办公室: 909-389‐3217


设施使用办公室: 909-388‐6958


的se procedures are organized into four categories based upon the type of 事件 and 请求的来源:

  1. 社区要求使用地区设施(包括摊贩)
  2. 内部地区/校园活动
  3. 地区/校园赞助活动
  4. 言论自由活动/示威

1. 社区要求使用地区设施

Use of District Facilities by the 社区 requires a 社区 Facility Use Agreement. 的 “社区” includes any individual, business (including vendors), organization, group, school, or board outside of the authority of the San Bernardino 社区 College District, including employees of the District who request the use of District facilities 供个人使用. 使用申请可按下列程序提出:

  • 获取并填写《九州体育平台入口》.

    一个完整的 社区设施使用申请表 构成使用合同. 此表格可透过校园设施索取 办公室(见上面的联系方式).
    的 Facilities 办公室 will verify the availability of the requested space and calculate 租金.

  • 提供保险证明书:

    保险公司需要出具保险证明 requesting entity and must list the San Bernardino 社区 College District as an 附加保险,并按地区可接受的限额投保 行政程序6700.

  • 支付租金:

    CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE FACILITIES OFFICE FOR CURRENT FACILITY RENTAL RATES (Reference 以上联系方式). 费用将由设施办公室计算. 费用必须在提交时支付 社区设施使用申请或在申请被接受时. 公平 rental or direct cost fees will be assessed in accordance with AP6700 at the current 利率. 直接成本是用品、公用事业、保管服务、服务的成本 of any other District employees, and salaries paid to District employees necessitated 组织使用地区设施的情况. 有资格的团体或组织 须评估的直接成本载于教育守则82542(a). 任何授权 to deviate from AP6700, such as a waiver of fees or charging of direct cost in lieu of the fair rental value, requires manager and Board approval prior to approval of 事件.
  • 提交:

    Send completed 社区 Application, certificate of insurance, and fee payment to 相应的设施部门进行处理和批准.


2. 内部地区/校园活动


  • 提交在线设施使用请求:
    This online form is used to schedule facilities for non‐classroom 事件s or meetings 在校园. 在以下地点填写设施使用申请:
    有关SBVC,请参阅: 办公室 of the Vice President of Administrative Services — San Bernardino Valley College
    有关CHC,请浏览: 设施使用
    • 至少在活动前两周填写设施使用申请表. 最后一分钟 只有在紧急情况下才会批准请求.
    • All information must be included on the Facility Use Request form or attached memos. 不单独给部门发备忘录. 如果需要对你的 original Facility use Request, make these corrections through the 设施使用办公室 (请参阅以上联络方式). 不能对原始表格进行修改 不到一个星期的通知.
    • 取消活动须于活动开始前最少三天办理. 如果取消 is not made three days prior to 事件, you will be charged a set‐up fee based 九州体育bet9平台入口安装和拆卸所需的成本.
  • Internal District Events with Invited Guests/Vendors: If the activity is an internal 事件 where multiple vendors are invited (example, job fair, science fair, health fair, or other 事件) a mutual hold harmless agreement from each vendor, organized with a cover page listing all the vendors, and submitted to the Facility 办公室 at least 30 days prior to 事件 for submission to the District Business Services 办公室.
  • Speakers: If 事件 includes an outside speaker and the speaker is being paid, a Performance Speaker Agreement must be completed and submitted to the Business Services 办公室(参考合同核对表). 如果演讲者没有得到报酬,那么 公众被邀请时,演讲者必须互相保持沉默. 注意:这个 经费不包括课堂上的演讲嘉宾. 课堂讲者安排 受董事会政策和行政法规4320的指导.
  • Food Prepared on Campus: If food is being prepared to be sold or given away 在校园, the person handling food items must have a county food workers certification unless 食品是预先包装好的.e.、薯片、罐装汽水). 认证证明 必须与填妥的校园设施使用表一起提交. 如果食物准备好了 在校园 is to be sold to the non‐campus community, a San Bernardino County health 需要许可证.
  • If the activity is associated with a campus 事件, 事件’s board approval date 是必需的. (注:该活动必须在任何设施之前得到董事会的批准 授权使用. 这些过程通常需要三个月的时间才能完成 事件以完成所有审批.)
  • Please send all required documents and information to the appropriate Facility Use 办公室. 的y will review all documents for completeness and forward any required document 到商务服务处签字. (Any facilities use forms missing any of the information listed above will be returned 未经处理或未预留设施)

3. 地区/校园赞助活动

District sponsored 事件s are student club activities, and meetings, fairs, 事件s, 体育比赛、夏令营或其他活动. 这些可能是大学主导的活动 with include invited vendors/presenters/guests or 事件s directed by an outside entity, individual, school, or municipality that the campus desires to host at little or no cost for outreach or relational purposes that directly promote the College’s mission.

  • 填写并提交赞助活动合约雇员授权书:

    This form must be filled out by the Campus 办公室, club*, or employee sponsoring the 事件. 此表格必须由责任中心经理/俱乐部发起人批准 及行政服务. 此外,保荐人必须提交一份设施使用情况 请按照上述过程概述的内部校园活动. 的 赞助形式 在批准设施使用申请之前需要做什么.
    *的 Student Club Sponsor 是必需的 to be present at Club sponsored activities.
  • College‐lead 事件s involving multiple vendors/presenters (example, job fair, science
    • 由赞助办公室提交的校园设施使用表
    • Submit to District Business Services at least 30 days prior to 事件 as a complete 包:
      • 所有供应商的封面清单(不接受最后一分钟添加的内容).
      • 来自每个供应商/提交人的相互持有无害协议
      • 各供应商/提交人出具的保险证明书
  • 租赁费用:

    If costs are incurred to host 事件 but will not be charged, the approval of the 还需要行政服务副总裁.
  • 互保险及保险证明书:

    的 Campus‐sponsored group(s), invited vendor(s), or organization(s) must submit a signed mutual hold harmless agreement and a certificate of insurance acceptable to 在活动前的地区(校园社团除外). 对于未成年参与者,家长 permission and release of liability 是必需的 (proof of parental permission may 由使用该设施的组织持有).

4. 言论自由活动/示威

Free speech 事件s and demonstrations are permissible under the provisions and requirements of 董事会政策3900和行政程序3900.

Information on the use of District facilities as a public forum is outlined in the 参考政策及程序.


Be advised of the remote possibility that the requested facility may be required for 由学院的教学计划或紧急情况在短时间内使用. 我们将 take every reasonable measure to guarantee that the facility will be available as 计划.